Community Engagement
At Crosshair Media we recognize that the student youth market are the real experts when it comes to content, and we respect that.
So, engaging with a community of young, savvy content creators by focussing on user generated content as the key driver of our social campaigns just makes sense.
We know this audience responds well to visual content, technology, interactive messaging, gamification, experience marketing, authenticity, and a clear value statement. We also know that they are distrustful of what they encounter in the media, and that they don’t take everything at face value. They certainly know what they want and they’re not afraid to vocalize it.
When we do community engagement, we curate content to fit the very niche student personas we’ve researched and invested in, and align this with your campaign.
We augment this with photos, video, interactive surveys, polls, and independent opinion panels. We use any data that’s generated to review the campaign and iterate where necessary.
A combination of select digital platforms will be used, depending on the personas identified. These include Tik Tok, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
We also recommend direct marketing via SMS, WhatsApp automation bot and email campaigns.
Speak to us about how we can power up your community engagement efforts with South Africa’s student youth market.